

Bruce Anderson:  I made a claim on my private carrrier's... MetLife... LTD
Insurance (which was the BEST $3.65 a month I EVER spent!!!) several years
ago, and they've been very cooperative. That check arrives like clockwork
every month (THANK GOD!!!!!) No problems to speak of at all.

I'll admit tho, that I've signed up for LTD insurance with MetLife when I was
starting a new 9 to 5 job in 1989, and the medical plan used was Metropolitan.
 It was an excellent plan from the git-go.

Barb Mallut,
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of [log in to unmask]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 12, 1996 12:26 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        LTD Insurance

If there is anyone out there in our group who has made a claim on a privately
purchased (as opposed to employer provided) Long Term Disability Insurance
policy, I would appreciate it if they could contact me at
[log in to unmask]   . Due to worsening symptoms, I am about to file for
benefits and do not want to make any avoidable mistakes.  It's an "own
occupation" policy, which I understand the issuers have had such unprofitable
experiences with that they are very tough with claims (and no longer sell it).
(One "offending" group of insureds supposedly are doctors who are saying they
can't doctor anymore due to the stress of the new medical economics.)
If there is anything interesting that comes out of this I will post for all of
us.  Thanks. B. Bruce Anderson (50,1 1/2),