

On Wednesday, June 12, Joan Samuelson, PAN founder and President, has
been invited to testify before a joint hearing of the Senate
Appropriations and Special Aging Committees on the importance of
investing in medical research..
 The hearing begins at 9:30 a.m. in room 138 of the Dirkson Senate
Building, and we have been advised that joan will likely be a member
of the first panel.

This will be an important opportunity for Senators to learn about the
current and historic funding disparity at the National Institues of
Health, the recent successes in Parkinson's research, as well as the
tremendous potential for adequately funded research to deliver
breakthrough therapies.  To make the most of this opportunity, every
Senator should be made aware of this hearing, all Senators on the
Appropriations and Special Aging Committees should be made aware of
Joan's testimony and encouraged to attend the hearing, and every
Senator on the committees should be aggressively followed up with in
an effort to add them as a cosponsor of the Udall bill.

This is an ideal opportunity to build additional momentum for our June
18 & 19 "Crash Lobby " visit to Washington, DC, but it important that
we all work together to reach our goals.  We can be sure that Joan
will be as compelling, informative and persuasive as ever, so it's up
to the rest of us to do our part before and after the June 12 hearing