

I would agree with Michel Marg's comments on the likely efficacy of
picoTesla magnetic therapy, if  I had seen it being promoted by a
quack doctor standing by Michel's stall trying to sell the Brooklyn
Bridge. But it wasn't!

The promoters were well qualified professional people, many holding
prestigious positions.  So far as I have been able to ascertain, the
prime promoter for the treatment was Prof. Reuven Sandyk,  M.D.,
M.Sc., of NeuroCommunication Research Laboratories, Danbury CT 06811
& The Dept of Neuroscience, Int. for Biomedical Eng. & Rehabilitation
Services of Touro College, Dix Hills, NY, 11746.

He was also joined, as co-author/s in some of his papers by Prof  P.
A. Anninos, N. Tsagas & K Derpapas of the Dept. of Medical Physics &
Polytechnic School, Democrition University of Thrace, Greece,  R. P.
Iacono, (who is now I believe at Loma Linda).

Were all of these people deceiving themselves, as well as lay people
like myself?.  In any event, I think that it was very wrong  if
people of their standing have made  claims of cures for
neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons, if these cures had
not been achieved and do not stand scrutiny..  I would like to be
shown that my disbelief is unfounded, but where are the people that
Prof Sandyk claims to have helped?.

partly in sorrow, but mainly in anger

Ray Lakin  ([log in to unmask])