

We can't even think of stopping!   Cards Letters faxes emails visits etc.
must not stop until the bill is passed.  To ease off now could mean ALL our
efforts to help ourselves could be lost.
The numbers posted were very encouraging but I want to let everyone know that
we're not home free till it's voted on and passed.  If we become
overconfdident or satisfied that we've done enough we will not have done

If a congressman is leaning he still may need quite a nudge toward actually
co-sponsoring.  Call the Free Capitol hill number  (800-962-3524) and ask for
the specific congressman you are calling.  When his office answers say,"I am
calling to ask Congressman................ to Please Co-sponsor the Morris K.
Udall Parkinson's disease research bill H.R. 1462,  S.684."  That's all there
is  to it.

If you'd rather not call, please send a Udall postcard or personal letter or
fax or email to the congressperson.  But whatever you do don't stop
contacting them.  Even if we get a majority in the senate and House that does
not guarantee it will go to a vote.