


Firstly, thank you to all those who sent greetings to the AGM. These are up
on the display board at the moment, and I'm many positive comments from
people. So thank you, your contributions really helped, although there are
too many to thank individually.

For those of you who are interested, here are some brief highlights of the
two days.

  - The World Health Organisation has agreed that April 11th (James Parkinson's
    birthday) will be World Parkinson's Disease day. What this means in the
    individual countries I don't know, but I guess those of us on the list
    will have a really good time working it out :-)

  - Brian Hills, a list member, is here. David Langridge isn't, but lots of
    people seem to know him and have come up to the stand to say hello :-)

  - Emma Bennion (newly elected member of PDS council :-) from YAPP&Rs has
    found the Microsoft trackball (cost UKP 14.95) which is designed for
    children from 3 years upwards, is excellent for people with PD.
    It has 1 button, and the ball is big enough for the palm of yourhand.
    You can slow it down, speed it up, etc.

  - The Disability Equipment Register, a clearing house for second hand
    disability aids, has a web site at

  - Normal stuff happened about accounts, articles of association, etc.

  - "The Internet" got a couple of mentions in some of the speeches, including
    a favourable mention by Mark Baker, the PDS's National and International
    development consultant. I hope this is a good sign for the PDS's future
    attitude to the Internet.

So in all, quite a successful event. Thank you again for your collective help.


--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles                                 Email: [log in to unmask]
New Information Paradigms                  Work Phone: +44 1344 778783                     Work Fax:   +44 1344 772510
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