

I believe when the trail dust settles, Texas will have delivered at
least 16 cosponsors from the house and both Senators.  I am very
pleased to report that House Majority Whip Tom De Lay agreed to
cosponsor today and that all thirty Texas congressman have now been
formally asked to cosponsor the Udall Bill. Officially I count 13
cosponsors from Texas.

Have lots to reflect on and will do so this week end. I did have a 45
minute discusssion with Congressman Chris Smith's (New Jersey) aide
regarding his alternative Udall Bill HR 3514 which would prohibit the
use of fetal tissue other than that aquired from ectopic pregnancy or
spontaneous abortion. I asked him to withdraw the bill and challenged
the ethics of trying to make the Udall Bill a platform for the separate
and distinct issue around abortion. I will say more about this weekend.

These past four days while exhausting have to rate as some of the best
and most fullfilling days of my life. Adding to this exhilaration is
the turn around in my wife Nancy's      condition. She is recovering nicely,
has been driving the car on short trips had a dinner of spagetti and
meat balls ready when I got home tonight and wants to play golf this
weekend.  I hope things are going as well at the office.

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