

Mary Anne;  The Udall Bill is a uniquely American Bill and deals with American
governmental policy.  EVEN IF there was a thriving organ market AND also a
thriving fetal tissue market in third world nations (God forbid!), we, as
American citizans cannot control what happens in those and other nations.

The ONLY thing we can do by exercising our right to vote is to protect the
rights of AMERICANS, no matter how poorly other nations may treat their own

If you or anyone disapproves of the way another nation treats it's populous,
then there are some (albetit, not terribly effective) world wide organizations
which have been making a valient effort for years ot protect the lives and
rights of   the most humble and downtrodden in thiird world nations.   They
can always use another helping hand.

Finally, regarding the "rumors" of a thriving third world organ market:  While
I've also heard this rumor, and if it's true, abhor the thought, by their very
nature, "rumors" are just that.. RUMORS.  They're not FACT until or unless
they're backed up by substantial evidence.  To try to rumors as fact in order
to back up a belief wouldn't stand up in any a court of law in this country.
How then can these "rumors" of  a POSSIBLE *future* market in fetal tissue
taking place in thrid world nations be regarded as fact?

Parkinson's Disease is a fact.  And that it's terrible is a fact.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Zippo Bilbrok 3.0e8
Sent:   Monday, June 24, 1996 6:23 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: PAN Reflections II Udall, Fetal Tissue

> At this point I shared my own pro-life views and how they did not
> conflict with the use of fetal tissue to save lives.  I feel that the
> Research Freedom Act, which makes it a felony punishable by ten years
> in prison if fetal tissue is made available for profit or has any
> provisions that would designate who the beneficiary would be, is
> adequate. This legislation, I feel, protects the unborn and adequately
> addressed the concern that fetal tissue use would result in more
> abortions. I compared it to organ transplant use causing more murders.
> Not likely!
> Fetal tissue transplant doesn't contribute to abortions any more than
> organ transplant contributes to murder. Lets get on with our Parkinsons
> work and let the pro-life movement focus on the events that lead to
> abortion.
I see a small flaw in your argument that must be addressed.  The fact is
that there are rumors of an "organ market" in third world countries;
people are being coerced into donating organs for money, or indeed are
being killed.  We have had an example of a  woman conceiving in this country
for the purpose of providing a fetus for cell transplant (I believe that
I read the recipient had PD - the transplant was done in Europe).

I do not wish to bring this issue up for discussion, but so that you may
understand the continued objections of the pro-life movement.
Mary Ann