


Thanks for reading my message.    Your perfectly correct,   Last week I went
to our G.P. and when she heard some crackling in my back thru the stethoscope
she perscribed a chest xray together with an expectorant, a antibiotic and
changed the water pill to DYAZIDE which contains potassium.   Im feeling
better now without any wheezing and the water pill is taken only twice a

Nevertheless, the excess water problem started some time ago.  I suppose it
started twelve years ago with the onset of PD,  the decreasing activitity
level and the side effects of the meds.

This is something I have to live with....damn it!!

I was hoping that the Pallidotomy would have eliminated the freezing which
would permit me my pre-pd activity but it was wishful thinking.   The
freezing is the same even though some other serious symptoms have dissapeared
or been greatly reduced.

Now,  I must concentrate on my diet both liquid and solid and increase my
activity level as much as I can so I can try to eliminate some of this

Again thanks for your interest and comments.
