

What should each constituent do?

--Call, fax, write your Senator and your district Congressman who have
not yet committed to co-sponsorship.
--Get family members, friends and the check-out person in your local
supermarket to make contact with House and Senate members!
--We have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (6/26, 6/27 and 6/28) to make
personal contact with their office personnel before their break.  Phone
1-800-962-3524 and say that you are calling to ask for co-sponsorship of H.R
1462 and S.684. Point out that a speedy affirmative response is necessary!
--Beginning on 6/29, write post cards, compose email and send faxes to have
them ready and waiting for the well rested returning reps. on July 8, when
the House and Senate reconvenes.
--Continue the contacts until August 5 when the Congressmen and Senators go
to their home districts again.
Let's do it!
Margaret Tuchman