

     I wish we all had just a LITTLE of the Jim Cordy, Joan Samuelson, Bob
Martone, Barbara Schirloff, Terrie Whitling, Sherri Cave  energy and drive
to pass the Udall Bill.  I was on the Hill last week with some of these
people and many other members of the PAN Forum and I was so proud of all
those who took the time, probably spent their own money, and forced
themselves to find the energy to trek around and between the House and
Senate office buildings visiting Congressional offices in an effort to gain
co-sponsors (and it is really exhausting).  And you know what????  Most of
them had Parkinson's Disease themselves.
     I hope all of you do just a little (phone calls, postcards,etc) to help
make their efforts pay off.  In the end, we all benefit.

Susan Hamburger, CG for Stan, 61,15, Chevy Chase, MD
It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
best, you very often get it.
                     W. Somerset Maughm