

      There is a vast difference between an organ such as a heart, a kidney
or a liver and fetal tissue suitable for transplantation. I can understand
some one selling a kidney or someone murdering for a healthy heart but
while I'm not a physician nor am I stepped in the"fetal tissue debate",I do
believe that a single transplanation requires some 8-10 healthy fetuses
between 8-12 weeks of development.The tissue, even if healthy, would only
be "good" for a short time.This would require some 30 or so women to abort
at about the time to have available 8-10 fetuses.

      Further I would remind Mary Ann and others to remember that fetal
tissue research is not solely focused on parkinson disease, but rather has
equal value to other people with other serious diseases/ disorders and that
includes children's diseases [and injuries such as burns].For Mary Ann to
note that she "believes" that she read that "the recipient had PD".does a
great disservice to those of us who struggle to make the best of each day.

George Lussier {glussier@ultranet,com

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