

'The Way We Were' on July 2, 1996 ... July 1 is Canada Day, a National

*  PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network
*  owner           = [log in to unmask]    (Barbara Patterson)
*  notebook        = yes,/homes/listserv/archives/parkinsn,weekly,public
*  review          = public
*  send            = private
*  subscription    = open
*  ack             = no
*  errors-to       = owner
*  reply-to        = list,respect
*  validate        = no
*  Created: 93 Nov 08
*  Country        Subscribers
*  -------        -----------
*  Argentina              1
*  Australia             29
*  Austria                1
*  Belgium                3
*  Bermuda                1
*  Brazil                 3
*  Canada                68
*  Costa Rica             1
*  Denmark                3
*  Finland                2
*  France                 2
*  Germany                7
*  Great Britain         25
*  Hongkong               1
*  India                  2
*  Israel                 5
*  Italy                  6
*  Liechtenstein          1
*  Malaysia               2
*  Mexico                 1
*  Netherlands           11
*  New Zealand            2
*  Norway                 1
*  Portugal               1
*  Russia                 1
*  Saudi-Arabia           1
*  South Africa           5
*  Spain                  6
*  Sweden                 3
*  Taiwan                 1
*  USA                  980
* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:          52
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:   1176  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of countries represented:            31  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of local node users on the list:      0  (non-"concealed" only)