

To everyone on the List: I've been incommunicado for a long while, now.
To bring you up to date on my brother's situation,(42/6-he's the one who
has been hoping for a pallidotomy and whose wife was uncertain about the
procedure), I have passed on to him (them) the letters that many of you
have sent. They have also had discussions with Dr.s Grossman and Krauss
@ Methodist in Houston.
The results have been great! She (his wife) has become convinced
(primarily by Krauss) that P is the way to go. <He's been on the waiting
list since Febuary.> At this latest meeting he was told that his P would
probably take place in the Fall. They called last week to say that they
were going to move him up to July 30!  WOW!
It seems unreal that now things are almost moving too fast. I (we) owe a
great deal to the info garnered from this list and will continue to be a
part of it. I'm hoping to get him online soon, as he could receive all
of the benefits of the list, rather than just the info I'm able to send
him. A special Thank You to Barbara Mallut, Bob Martone, Vance
Lanier,Sherri Cave and others who provided immeasurable guidance. I will
be keeping you posted as events warrant.

On a different note:


                        I have a spelling checker
                        It came with my PC;
                        It plainly marks four my revue
                        Mistakes I cannot sea.
                        I've run this poem threw it,
                        I'm sure your please to no,
                        Its letter perfect in its weigh,
                        My checker tolled me sew.

           RLS           [log in to unmask]