

>     Hi, I signed off a few months ago, and now I'm back.  I live in
>     Philadelphia now, so I can be closer to my parents.  My dad has PD,
>     and he and mom have no car now since dad drove it THROUGH the garage!!
>     Thank goodness no one was hurt.
>     I remember someone talking about hallucinations before; how the person
>     would see his sons around the house.  My dad started seeing me all the
>     time, then he started seeing strangers outside in the steet.  Now it
>     has gotten much worse - the "people" are in the house and even in the
>     bed.  They frighten him terribly, and seem to be more menacing than
>     before.  He is constantly seeing people now, and I wonder of this is a
>     new, irreversible phase he's in.  He's suffered from some dementia and
>     general cognitive loss for quite some time, but he's quite "round the
>     bend" now.
>     Is this common?  Is there anything to help the constant
>     hallucinations?
>     Monica Burke
>     [log in to unmask]

ABSOLUTELY, Monica! My father went throught the exact same situation and we
went through a lot of grief trying to figure out what to do. The worst
moments were when he tried to attack my sister with a fork (thinking she
was a "ghost") and almost set his house on fire!

He's now on a drug called Risperdal (sp?) 2x day and the hallucinations
have completely disappeared! There are some side effects, of course (my dad
seems to drool a couple time a day_ and he thinks it may be constipating as
well but the drug has saved us from putting him in a mental institution
(which we had to do for a week) permanently.

Spiro Bolos