

I just want to note to items.

Item 1.

We have some momentum going for us with
respect to passing the Udall Bill.  You can see this from the number
of posts on this list.  Months ago I often felt like a voice in the
wilderness when I posted regarding the Udall Bill.  Now there seems
to be at least several postings a day.  Yesterday Margret Monty  beat
me to the punch in posting new cosponsors, Barbara Schirloff  had an
inspirational posting about personally calling the offices of all 16
senators on Kassebaum's committee, Ivan Susiman now has his own PC
and is broadcasting words of encouragement, and Bob Martone gave a great
example of his enthusiasm being contagious  in Texas.  It's simply
incredible to see this Parkinson's community coming together to
demand that government achieve that next Parkinson's
breakthrough that looms on the horizon.

Item 2.  If your not on the Udall band wagon, come on board.  We
still have a battle getting this issue addressed on the floor of both
houses. To assure victory we need everyone with Parkinson's
contacting Congress.  I know there are those of you out there who intend to get
postcards from Barbara Schirloff but have not gotten around to it.
DO IT NOW.  If you don't like postcards, here's the 800 number for
Congress  (800-962-3524).  Call your Congressman or Senator.   DO IT
NOW.  Take it from one who has been in the trenches, taking an active
role in batteling this sinister disease is good for the soul.