

At 02:21 AM 12-07-96 -0400, you wrote:
>I just want to note to items.
>Item 1.

Re your request for me to write something on official letter head indicating
my thouthts about US medical research.  I would be only to pleased to assist
if there is any chance at all of it being any help.  I could go further and
have a letter sent from P..D.A. associations in each of our states.  I would
need your snail mail address and your advice as to who the letter should be
addressed to.
Mary Thompson [log in to unmask]
>Item 2.  If your not on the Udall band wagon, come on board.  We
>still have a battle getting this issue addressed on the floor of both
>houses. To assure victory we need everyone with Parkinson's
>contacting Congress.  I know there are those of you out there who intend to get
>postcards from Barbara Schirloff but have not gotten around to it.
>DO IT NOW.  If you don't like postcards, here's the 800 number for
>Congress  (800-962-3524).  Call your Congressman or Senator.   DO IT
>NOW.  Take it from one who has been in the trenches, taking an active
>role in batteling this sinister disease is good for the soul.