

                                 RTK.NET Mail 171985   Jul 11 11:43:21 1996

To everyone with postcards, a small suggestion,

It's a good time to write important Senators who are already cosponsors,
especiall if they are on Labor and Human Resources.  I just squeeze in a
couple of lines under the "Please cosponsor" to write:  Thank you for
cosponsoring!  Please do all you can to see that the Udall bill is brought
to a vote in the 104th.

If you are from one of the "most needed" states and financial considerations
are keeping you from attending the crash lobby III, ask your support group,
call PAN, and post your need to the list.  Don Berns did this last time, and
he got to D.C. somehow, so there may be help out there.  We're also trying
to find accomodations in people's homes so you might not need to pay hotel

costs if we know of your need soon enough.

It's important for us to get help from ANY state we haven't gotten D.C.
representation from before.  I think there are a lot of potential cosponsors
from Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho, and other states that will need contact
from constituents to make Udall a priority in '96.

But really we need everyone who can make it!  If D.C. visits are going to
be a monthly  event, we need some new people to get involved.  There will
be lots of action needed next year even after the Udall bill is passed to make

sure  the money to fund the Udall bill is appropriated.

Sherri Cave
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