

At 09:46 PM 7/12/96 -0400, you wrote:
> My mom asked me to post this question to the list.
> My dad's 71, diagnosed a little over a year ago with Parkinsons.  His most
> visible symptons are stooped posture, quick, small-stepped shuffling gait,
> and quiet, often mumbling speech.  The symptoms are pretty well under
> control when the medication is taking effect.  For the last several months
> he's been having problems with painful legs.  I don't think this is the
> same thing as Restless Leg Syndrome, but I'm not sure.
> The pains are in the thigh regions, and dad describes them as being
> similar to the pain you feel right after a charlie-horse goes away.  It
> keeps him from sleeping a lot, and even causes him to stand sometimes when
> he goes out to dinner.  I guess moving around helps a little bit, or maybe
> it's just that NOT doing anything certainly doesn't help.  When he can't
> sleep because of it, he gets up and tries walking around.
> We're not sure it's the Parkinsons, or whether it might be something else
> going on there.  Has anyone else had any experience with stuff like this,
> and does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks so much for any info you can provide.
> -- Gary Zimmerman
> [log in to unmask]


Yes, it is his Parkinsons.  Had the same problem last July/August and am
starting to have it again.  Your Dad describes them perfectly.  Understand
it is a symptom telling him it is time to increase his Sinemet.  I did last
August and everything returned to normal.  Have an appointment with my
neurologist Monday to try and convince him I need another boost.  Also, many
members of the group claim Vitamin E helps with leg cramps.  I have been
taking 400 units every morning and just added another 400 units at bedtime.
Can't say whether it helps or not, but might be worse without it.
Understand what he says about not sleeping.  I often get up in the night
when cramps are bad and sit/sleep in my recliner with a heating pad under my
thighs.  Hope this is some help.

Bill Butch
Jacksonville, Florida
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