


I have both PD and RLS.  I have done some research into RLS and never heard
it described as painful.  I have never experienced pain although it can get
severe enough to feel like a mild burning sensation.

I'm no doctor, but it doesn't sound like RLS.


At 09:46 PM 7/12/96 -0400, you wrote:
> My mom asked me to post this question to the list.
> My dad's 71, diagnosed a little over a year ago with Parkinsons.  His most
> visible symptons are stooped posture, quick, small-stepped shuffling gait,
> and quiet, often mumbling speech.  The symptoms are pretty well under
> control when the medication is taking effect.  For the last several months
> he's been having problems with painful legs.  I don't think this is the
> same thing as Restless Leg Syndrome, but I'm not sure.
> The pains are in the thigh regions, and dad describes them as being
> similar to the pain you feel right after a charlie-horse goes away.  It
> keeps him from sleeping a lot, and even causes him to stand sometimes when
> he goes out to dinner.  I guess moving around helps a little bit, or maybe
> it's just that NOT doing anything certainly doesn't help.  When he can't
> sleep because of it, he gets up and tries walking around.
> We're not sure it's the Parkinsons, or whether it might be something else
> going on there.  Has anyone else had any experience with stuff like this,
> and does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks so much for any info you can provide.
> -- Gary Zimmerman
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