

                                 RTK.NET Mail 171243   Jul  8 16:22:32 1996

I would be extremely surprised if any office just threw away typed letters,
especially from constituents.  In fact, when I've done letter writing
sessions at the seminary I attend, people who just signed letters still
got response letters from their own legislators, and some got them from
other legislators as well, especially House Rep's from other districts in
their own state.  In fact, in many offices I've been able to ask LAs
to check on whether they've gotten constituent requests for Udall bill
cosponsorship, and they've been able to tell me.  Don't forget to send
post cards to your own legislators!

Exactly what will happen with the "big 5" post cards will depend on the
office.  In many cases letters from non-constituents won't even get
opened, typed or not.  Some may keep some record or take notice, especially
if a large number of cards or letters arrive at once so the staff can't
help but notice.  I believe that because the post cards make a good
visual impact with Mo's picture on the front, they will get more notice
than many other mass mail efforts.  When Alzheimer's patients and families
sent their empty prescription med. bottles to legislators, it made an
annoying but effective impact.

So send the post card today (with or without a handwritten note), then make
some calls and/or write letters.
