

At 22:17 7/19/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Friends--I have encountered a man whose wife has Huntingdon's Chorea. He
>is unable to attend support group meetings in Cincinnati, some 45 miles
>from Hamilton,OH where he lives and works, as they are held on Saturdays.
>He can do email, and I said I'd inquire re: possible lists  he might access.
>He's a novice, and doesn't have web capability. Is there a discussion list
>anyone knows of that I could tell him about? Thanks for any help---
>Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7, Oxford,OH
>       Camilla:

        A brief search of the net provided the following from the
        Kansas University Medical Center which treats Huntington's:

On-Line Discussion Group

An on-line disussion group is being started by Storm King, a graduate
student in psychology at St.
John's University. The host machine is [log in to unmask]

To subscribe send a message to [log in to unmask] and include the
following text in the body of
your message:

SUBSCRIBE HUNT-DIS yourfirstname your lastname

To send Storm King this message to join the On-Line Discussion group click here
[log in to unmask]

"The difference between mailing lists and newsgroups is the difference
bewteen inviting a group of
friends over for wine on a Sunday evening and putting a billboard that says
Free Booze Here in
your front yard. - Lazlo Nibble
Wired 4.02, February 1996, page 96.

An alternative to a barrage of many Email messages is the digest option.
After signing up for the list
server, send the message set hunt-dis mail in the body of your message. You
should get one daily
mailing, if the group is active,that contains all of the messages posted
that day and an index showing
the topics for that day.

You can change back by sending the message set hunt-dis mail in the body of
your message.

        Hope this helps.....Jack


E. Jack Savely CG for Jeannette 57/19+ Topeka, KS
[log in to unmask]
Ad Astra per Aspera  -  'To the Stars through Difficulty'
