

To Glenna and Don C.

About surgery--I'm now a past master at it.  I kept complaining of
feeling ill on this net & I know people wondered why I didn't go to
a Doctor--well, I did--several Doctors in fact.  One thought I had
the Summer flu,without the vomiting, diarrhea, or a temp!!  The other
one felt I might have an abdominal obstruction. but since I had none
of the other symptoms, EXCEPT not feeling I was evacuating enough, he
told me to call him ANYTIME I had any other symptom!!
Well, my Husband called him in the wee hours of the morning on the
26th. of May.  After lying 4.5 hours in the ER of a LARGE METRO HOSPITAL
IN SOUTH FLORIDA (not some little place that has only one doctor & one
hospital) they finally found that I had a ruptured viscus--I didn't even
know where that was. but after the surgery it turned out to be the
Sigmoid Colon had ruptured.  After all that timelying around in the ER
 it turned out that
all they could do was leave the incision open to clean it out from
within & without---I spent 10 days in the hospital and 36 days in a
nursing home.  Now I have a Home Health Care Nurse who comes in once
a day to irrigate & change dressings.

My message to EVERYONE is "Your on your own"  None of these people
know ANYTHING  about PD. Lucky for me I had gotten off Eldepryl in Feb.
so I could have Demoral--but had to stop the SURGEON from ordering
Percocet for pain!!
I NEVER EVER got my MEDS. on time--usually several hours off--they had
time to chase a woman who kept taking her clothes off & running down
the hallway--but never time to get the MEDS to the patients on time!!!!

I will be at least 6 to 8 more weeks healing! I'm not bitter, just
cannot understand why I can't do anything like everyone else does.
Also, next time I feel badly I'm going to insist on some tests!!!
I have Humana PPO not an HMO--so that was not the problem!

When your Husband has surgery--DON'T TRUST ANYONE---watch him yourself
& make certain he gets his medications on time!!!!  NEUROLOGISTS are the
ONLY Doctors who know ANYTHING about PD and unfortunately for us they
are NOT Surgeons!!!!!