

> From: John Cottingham <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Barbara Yacos Deja Vu: Pallidotomy
> What Causes Parkinson's...according to Barbara Yacos
> Herbicides: People had PD before herbicides existed.
> Pestcides:  Same.
> Toxins from pulp and paper mills:  Same.
> Well water:  People who live in cities don't drink well water.
Hi John,

Unfortunately, it ain't that simple.  Children in areas of heavy motor car
exhaust pollution exhibit symptoms similar to those recorded for certain
Ancient Romans.

Now, short of an "X Files" explanation, I don't think that the Ancient
Romans had motor cars. <g>

But what they *did* have, was lead plumbing, and what the kids have is the
effects of leaded petrol.

Similarly, people using arsenical insecticides can exhibit symptoms
similar to 18th Century people whose houses had rooms painted a particular
shade of green - from paint tinted with an arsenic compound.

I don't think we have to look for a complex modern chemical compound here,
just something - anything - that causes the initial death of dopaminergic
cells in the substantia nigra.

For example, the brains of PD patients examined at autopsies show an
abnormal increase in iron, but a corresponding decrease in ferretin, an
iron chellating compound that allows the body to absorb iron.

More food for thought for any young Master's Degree scholar seeking fame
and fortune (well, fame, anyway.)
