

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date:   Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:39:00 -0400
From:   John Hannula <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: M. Ali & Parkinson's Syndrome]]

Besides raising awareness with NBC, I think it is safe to assume
that every Congressperson was watching to opening ceremony and
they heard the reference to Parkinson's Syndrome and saw Ali.

Their awareness of Parkinson's is probably at an all time high
and now would be the time to re-double efforts on the Hill.


[log in to unmask]

Date:     Mon Jul 22, 1996 07:26 am EDT

STEVE wrote:
> You were great Friday night!! I am sending I am sending you a copy of my
> posting to MSNBC. Thanks for all you have done and will do to help get
> to the bottom of the Parkinson's mystery.  I hope I have the honor of
> meeting  you someday- it would be great to shake your hand,(not a good
> choice of words for us "Parkies!!) Take care of yourself, CHAMP, and
> lets hope somewhere toiling in some Medical school right now is a brash,
> but brilliant young med. student focusing on neurological problems, but
> with a tendecy to rhyme his/her words. And one day soon she calls a big
> press conference and opens it with:
>    Hey Mr PD, no more tremor and shakes,
>    'Cause I just discovered what it takes
>     to knock you out so you stay on the floor
>     and never darken another door.
>    Hey Mr PD - "chump" my new med will "float like
>             a butterfly, Sting like a bee"
>    And you will be history by 2003!
>  --
> Stephen C. Holahan
>     - Judith, hi, the attached is a cover note that I put on my MSNBC posting
which I tried to send to to M.Ali myself using <[log in to unmask]>, it was sent
back to me, but the
cc seems to have gotten through to his good friend at <[log in to unmask]

Good luck
Stephen C. Holahan