

I am forwarding this for Brian Collins who has problems receiving from and
sending to the listserv. It is lonely to be without the listserv!
I will forward your suggestions to Brian until he is re-established.
Thank you,
Margaret Tuchman
[log in to unmask]

>Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 10:20:28 +0000 (GMT)
>To: [log in to unmask]
>From:  Brian Collins   [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Muscle Cramp- Advice needed
>I am re-sending this call for help, as I am not sure that it got through
>last time.
>A friend of mine is in the fairly advanced stages of PD, and is
>severe cramp ( specifically in his left buttock ) as the last dose of
>begins to wear off. It is clearly terribly painful. Does anyone have any
>advice ?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
>>From Brian Collins.  < [log in to unmask] >