

To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN

From: Brian Collins  < [log in to unmask] >

Subject: When to start Sinemet.

Hello everyone.  I would like to hear your views on a subject which (if my
opinion is correct, could relieve a lot of suffering in the early years of
PD. In discussions with other Parkies, I frequently hear that the doctor/
neurologist tries a variety of drugs with varying success, and tells the
patient that he is trying to postpone the introduction of Levodopa (Sinemet,
Madopar, etc) so that there is something in reserve for when the symptoms
get really bad. This happened in my case: when I was diagnosed (nearly 17
years ago) I was put on Artane only for nearly two years. During this time
I progressed from a mild tremor to significant tremor, stiffness, loss of
muscle tone, etc, and felt really low. (I wish I had known then what I know
now). After the two years of Artane I was grudging introduced to levodopa,
and fifteen years later I am still managing (just !) to get by with the aid
of levodopa and Pergolide (Permax in the USA).

The question is: Is the point at which levodopa therapy becomes ineffective
influenced by withholding the introduction of levodopa until the patient's
condition leaves no other option?

I think the answer is No, and I can make quite a good argument to support
my case, but I would like to hear your views first: You may all agree with
me anyway, or on the other hand I may be way out there on my own. What do
you think?

Regards,  Brian Collins   < [log in to unmask] >
