

Dear List Friends,

For over a year now, I have been silently lurking and sporadically reading the
list.  Today, I have a question for all of you.  Since I am the only adult child
that lives near my mother, I am the primary care giver for her.

A lot has happened in the last few months (some of which I have written about to
the Care list t).  My Mother has moved from an independent living apartment to
an assisted living nursing home to a slightly less assisted-living home.  Before
the first move, she had two primary care physicians - one a Geriatric specialist
and the other just in General Medicine.  The Geriatric Specialist was wonderful
but moved to another state.  I was not pleased with the General Medicine
physician as she prescribed Darvon too freely and she is also about 40 minutes
away.  When she moved to the first nursing home, we had to assign a physician to
her that would visit her there and he has followed her to the second place but
he is not too much of a doctor.

In a few weeks, she has an appointment with a movement disorder specialist but I
would like to find her a good general all purpose doctor that we can see fairly
quickly and that will listen to her while not being overly free with
perscriptions.  Although, I suppose now that her medication is being controlled
that is less of a problem than it has been in the past.  She is 80 years old and
can be pretty onery.  Her Parkinson's has affected her mildly causing only a
small amount of shaking, an unsteady walk (she uses a walker most days) and some
depression.  I feel that she will listen to the properly choosen physician far
more than she listens to me.  Also, if I can find one who will take the time to
consider whether she is taking the right kind and amount of medication, her
quality of life might be greatly improved.

I have never had to choose a doctor "from scratch" before.  I have a list of
recommended names and plan to choose a few to ask further quesitons.  What
qualities do you think are the most important in a doctor?  Do you see a
specialist or a general physician?  Do you think a Neurologist or the Movement
Disoirder Specialist (whom I guess is a specialized Neurologist) is the best
choice?  I liked the approach of the Geriatric Clinic but they were suppoed to
have been only for evaluation and not long term care.  I would greatly
appreciate any advice that anyone has for me.  By the way, I live in the
Research Triangle Park area of NC, if anyone has a specific name to recommend.

Thanks for your help,

Kay Crissman   [log in to unmask]   or [log in to unmask]