

Hi, sorry to bother all of you, but if you could just take a second to
reply to this and send it back to me (not everyone, just me) I'd really
appreciate it. I'm supposed to survey people who know about the subject,
so I figured that you might be a good place to start.
You names won't be used, it's just a total survey for a paper I have to do
for civics this weekend.

Censorship on the Internet

(please answer all w/a yes or no unless otherwise specified)

1. Do you think there should be censorship on the internet?

2. Do you think that it's the government's responsibility to censor the

3. Do you think that it's the parent's responsibility to censor their
children's actions on the internet?

4. Do you think that children should have access to the internet?

5. Do you think that it would be a good idea to make it so all with acces
to the internet had to have an account in which, if the person was under
18, they'd have limited access (ie. couldn't go to adult-type pages)?

6. Do you think children should have unlimited access on the internet (can
get to any site, no matter what)?

7. If there was something you could attach to your computer to prevent
your shildren from visiting adult sites, would you get it?

8. What are the primary reasons you use the internet? (ie. research, for
fun, homepages, email...)  (please list)

9. How old are you?
(either under 14, 15-19, 20-30, or over 30)

10. Have you heard of the Communications Decency Act?

11. If yes, do you agree with it?

12. What sorts of things should the government consider instead of flat
out, scrict censorship? (please just list or write your ideas. If you
can't think of any then don't list.)


Sorry to bother you and for taking up so much of your time.
I promise I'll never do this again.
(if you're curious as to the results, email me
([log in to unmask]) and I'll send them to you.)

thanks so much.
