

At 07:53 PM 7/20/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>   I'm new to the list, so please forgive me if this question has been
>beaten to death.  My father has Parkinson's and has been doing fairly
>well until recently.  Several weeks ago, he began to have problems
>sleeping.  Now he hasn't had a decent night's sleep in about 6 weeks.
>He is exhausted and this is accentuating his other symptoms.  Can
>anyone give me anything he can try?  The doctors have tried sleeping
>pills and taking him off Eldepryl, but no luck yet.  Any help will be
>greatly appreciated.
>   Jim Rowland
Hi Jim:

>From time to time and considerably during the past 8 weeks I have had
trouble sleeping.  I am male 64/5.  Most nights I can get help from 3mg of
Melatonin.  Rather than take it upon retiring, I wait to see if I can get to
sleep naturally.  If no luck within one hour, I get up and take the
Melatonin.  I am usually asleep then within 10 or 15 minutes.  Hope it helps
your dad.

Bill Butch
Jacksonville, Florida
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