

STEVE wrote:
> You were great Friday night!! I am sending I am sending you a copy of my
> posting to MSNBC. Thanks for all you have done and will do to help get
> to the bottom of the Parkinson's mystery.  I hope I have the honor of
> meeting  you someday- it would be great to shake your hand,(not a good
> choice of words for us "Parkies!!) Take care of yourself, CHAMP, and
> lets hope somewhere toiling in some Medical school right now is a brash,
> but brilliant young med. student focusing on neurological problems, but
> with a tendecy to rhyme his/her words. And one day soon she calls a big
> press conference and opens it with:
>    Hey Mr PD, no more tremor and shakes,
>    'Cause I just discovered what it takes
>     to knock you out so you stay on the floor
>     and never darken another door.
>    Hey Mr PD - "chump" my new med will "float like
>             a butterfly, Sting like a bee"
>    And you will be history by 2003!
>  --
> Stephen C. Holahan
>     - Judith, hi, the attached is a cover note that I put on my MSNBC posting which I tried to send to to M.Ali myself using <[log in to unmask]>, it was sent back to me, but the
cc seems to have gotten through to his good friend at <[log in to unmask]

Good luck
Stephen C. Holahan