

>1. Alcohol and PD meds don't mix !! :0
>   Read the warnings on your Rx bottles and inserts.
>2. C/L-dopa sometimes causes a tightening (freezing?)
>   in the throat.
>3. Do you have any throat or esophogus ulcers or sores?
>   Any refluxing -- stomach acid burping up?
> 0===================================================================0
> |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
> |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
> |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
> |     ^^ ~~ ^^      [log in to unmask]    . . ..(*)/`(*)      |
> 0===================================================================0

 My wife, 76/10+, has had neck, throat, jaw, and tongue pain intermittently
fo the passt 3-4 years. It is RELIEVED by Sinemet. We have never discovered
any other cause for it.

Bob Howard

Bob Howard, occasionally knowm formally as:
Robert B. Howard
1320 Wisconsin St., Apt. 411
Hudson, WI 5401
CG for Lorraine 76/10+
e-mail <[log in to unmask]>        New address as of 5/3/96
Voice phone: (715) 386-3596
FAX: (715) 386-8589                    Manual reception, requires phone