

An alternate strategy to consider in dealing with the
pro-life challenge to our Udall Bill is to let them
win that part. Don't insist that the fed gov must fund
fetal tissue research. Secure the big fed $. Much private
funding of current PD research could then cover what the Udall
Bill doesn't fund, like fetal tissue research.

Avoid that battle, but win the war -- find a cure.

- The goal is to increase funding for PD as much as possible.
  Anything that jepardizes that goal may lose the war.

- Much private funding now occurs for PD research. If federal
  funding increases by 4 times, then much of that private funding
  can be redirected to non-federally funded projects, to fill the gaps.

This argument means supporting the edited version of the Udall
Bill which removed all fetal tissue clauses.


I completely understand that fetal tissue research has nothing to do
with abortion, or the right-to-life issues, etc. I challenge the
right-to-lifers to end the need for abortion by them putting their words
into action. Instead of picketing clinics, they should adopt all the crack
babies, etc.; and, if fetuses are people, they should grant fetuses their full
civil rights, including their legal right to donate their organs for
transplantation, like everyone else.

Here in Arizona last year, Dr. Melcher, a researcher, tried to
pass legislation to allow fetal tissue research within the state.
Arizona is among half a dozen states that still insist that all
aborted human parts must be trashed, defended by pro-lifers.
When the bill was brought up for discussion in our state legislature
Health Committee, two representatives, out of about 12, left the room,
but returned for the vote. The issue was so sensitive that they
could not bear to be in the room to hear the debate. Six of us
came to help support the Dr's presentation. We were completely
unprepared for the questions which continually meandered around abortion no
matter how much we tried to convince them that abortion was not an issue.

In that effort, the Dr. made the mistake of not doing his homework
of interviewing and debating each member of the committee 1 on 1
first. He thought he could handle it all 1 on many, and was shot down
with emotional illogic.


I sympathize with Bob Martone, in Texas, wanting to "wrestle this issue
to the ground" by preparing for a likely Udall Bill attack from
the National Right to Life Movement.  Bob is asking us
to seek fetal tissue research, hence Udall Bill, support from
churches and bioethics groups.  But, our wrestling effort may more
strategically be used if we sacrifice one avenue of research
to convert congress people intimidated by pro-lifers into co-sponsors.

I suggest this strategy as an alternative, in case we can't
quickly quench a pro-life attack.

Above all: Avoid Small Battles, but Win the War -- Find a Cure.


Bob gratiously loaned his laptop to me and left me alone in his room
during PAN Forum '95 for many hours so I could type the daily notes
which he posted to this group.  He's done great work, especially in Texas.

 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
 |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
 |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
 |     ^^ ~~ ^^      [log in to unmask]    . . ..(*)/`(*)      |