

To Susan, thanks for your letters. I am now recreating a file of
pallidotomy notes and other subjects, like meds, psychological problems,

To Jack, I do have a message from early July re. the archives and how to
work them. I will have to try it out.
My confusion lies in that i thought i had read that the archives are not
now available?

I ended up removing nearly all messages from my mailbox since it gets so
overloaded.I try to sort into different mailboxes but still find it hard to
keep up. Even so, the information is great.

I have another mother is suffering from psychological
problems like depression, fear, suicidal thoughts, and then these times
when she verbally attacks those around her, accusations, pretty "mean"
behaviour. It is not only scary, but pushes away those who are trying so
hard to help. She is trying the Clozaril and is in the process of building
up the dosage. However i am afraid of what may happen. Anyone else
experience this? Lots of it is at nite, or very early in the morning. It
was definitely happening at nursing homes and board and cares, but now it
still happens even tho she is at home.
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