

>Does anyone have any experience with DHEA (Dehydroeplandrosterone) as an
>energy picker up?
>Harry Davis HLDAVIS999@AOL

As usual, I am up to my eyeballs in a new experiment, this time DHEA and
Acetyl L-carnitine. I have been using DHEA for over a month, 50 mgs every
day or two, I am a little nervous about dosage, from what I've read you
should get some fancy blood test after a month or so on DHEA to determine
blood level, and I haven't given the first thought to setting this in
motion. So I stay at what I feel is a minimum therapeutic approach. My
reaction is that I don't perceive any response or reaction to the
supplement, however (coincidentally?) this last month has been the best I've
ever had in my entire PD career,numerous friends have commented unsolicited
that I look better than ever, etc. Don't have a clue whether it's related to
the DHEA. After all, I've been known to have solid good response to placebos!

To answer the question of energy picker upper, I don't think DHEA has
affected my energy level. I have had better response to that problem from
NADH, and oddly enough those little green seaweed chlorophyll pills. They
really helped! But I believe that I have been seriously amino acid deficient
due to being a vegan with less than perfect eating habits (I still think
sugar is a food group).

Happy to conjecture further if needed!

Kathie Tollifson
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