

           Bob_Martone said ----

   " The second bit of insight  came from Mike Claeys (PAN) who is also
   " working the Hill. This one is a tad troublesome. It appears that there
   " may be reason for concern with regard to the pro-life movement and the
   " use of fetal tissue. While there was nothing specific to report, it
   " appears that we MAY have to be prepared to defend our position on fetal
   " tissue research if we want to insure success in the House.

What is "our position on fetal tissue research?" Do we have one? Do we
need one? Who are "we"?

If "we" are advocates of the Udall Parkinson's bill, and the Udall bill
does not propose to support fetal tissue research, why do we need to
have and defend a position on fetal tissue research? It is not relevant
to the Udall bill. In fact I recommend that our position be just that,
"It is irrelevant!"

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