

RE: olfactory hallucinations ...

Smoke smelling panic attacks have recently been experienced
by my 75 yr old aunt who has PSP (a PD+, like end stage PD).

In her weak voice she screams, insisting there's a fire in her
bedroom. The sensation is so real that even when we put her
into the imaginary fire (sit her against the wall, go into the
closet) she claims it exists. Interestingly, she fights to stay in
the room when we try to move her from her imaginary danger.
The episodes last for at least 3 hours, and seem to shorten
if we take her into reality -- into public and have her talk to
whoever is around. She will not talk about the fire in public.
She won't tell the fire department or talk to 911.

Getting her out of he house is a battle. PSPers have almost no
balance, and too little coordination to use a walker, so we support
her while she walks. To move her quickly, we use a wheelchair.

During these severe olfactory panic attacks, she fights to stay
near the fire. When in the wheelchair, she lunges her body forward
to put her feet on the floor or against furniture and walls, and
grabs whatever she can by hand to not be moved. I have to lift her
to put her in the car.

When in public, she refocuses on the environment and people around
her -- the severe panic attack dissolves.

As primary CG for 3 years, smelling hallucinations that I know of
 - smoke (2x) therefore fire,
 - dead fish (1x) with lots of flies on her,

A month ago, she also heard a baby crying under her bed.
Lying her on the floor reaching under the high hospital bed
did not convince her that it was not there.

 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
 |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
 |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
 |     ^^ ~~ ^^      [log in to unmask]    . . ..(*)/`(*)      |