

U.S. Rep. John Baldacci (D.-Maine)has given me permission to post his July
26 letter to Rep. Michael Bilirakis (R.-Florida), WHO CONTROLS THE UDALL
Ask YOUR Congressperson to write a similar letter to Bilirakis!

 Rep. Baldacci, AND his Legislative Director, Ashley Abbott (she has been
great!) can be thanked by e-mail( [log in to unmask] )for his attempt to
retain full authorization ($100 million/year)!

Ivan Suzman 46/9  Portland, Maine

>                              July 26, 1996
>The Honorable Michael Bilirakis
>Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and Environment
>Committee on Commerce
>2125 Rayburn HOB
>Washington, DC  20515
>Dear Mr. Chairman:
>     I am writing as a co-sponsor of HR 1462, the Morris K. Udall
>Research, Assistance and Education Act of 1995.  As you know,
>this legislation is an
>important part of the fight to find treatment and a cure for this
>debilitating disease.
>     I was pleased to learn that the Senate Labor and Human
>Committee last week included the Udall bill in S. 1897, the
>National Institutes of
>Health Revitalization Act.  I am encouraged that our colleagues
>in the Senate have
>recognized the need to increase the resources devoted to
>Parkinson's disease.
>     I know that the end of the legislative session is drawing
>near.  However, I hope
>that the House will act soon on this legislation, and that it
>could be signed into law
>before we adjourn.  I also hope that the House will maintain the
>full authorization
>level specified in the Udall bill.  I am told that scientists are
>closing in on Parkinson's
>disease, and I believe that we must provide them with the
>greatest resources
>possible so that we can win this fight.  While I recognize that
>we are operating under
>tight budgetary constraints, it is important to remember that our
>investment in research and
>education will lead to greatly reduced health care costs in the
>     I strongly support HR 1462, and I encourage you to
>bring it before your
>Subcommittee in the very near future.
>                              Sincerely,
>                              John E. Baldacci
>                              Member of Congress