

 I'm curious about Symettrel - what is it and how is it used in the
 treatment of Parkinsons?

 My dad was on Sinemet, Eldepryl, and Symettrel, but has begun to have some
 mild visual hallucinations (like seeing faces and people when he looks at
 dense foliage).

 He mentioned it to my mom and it scared the dickens out of her.  They
 complained to his neurologist who took dad off of the Eldepryl and
 Symettrel.  I spoke with my dad (privately ;-), and he told me he could
 still see the faces.

 (Um, I checked.  There was no one in the bushes :-)

 Any info on Symettrel or what drugs may cause or exacerbate hallucinations
 would be much appreciated.


 -- Gary Zimmerman
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