

Ivan-- great letter from Baldacci to Bilirakis. Unfortunately our Rep.
John Boehner is resolutely opposed after a year of correspondence from
me and our support group. I believe he would not be influenced by the letter,
or I'd ask permission to send it to HIM!  I hope others will be able to get
their Reps. to write,and appreciate your savvy in getting his permission to
post his letter to the list. [Boehner is a part of the Republican power
structure in the House, and doesn't care how many Democrats favor something--
I've urged him to talk re: Udall to several leading Republicans who are
sponsors, but that also falls on deaf ears. Oh well, no surprise, as he
never agrees with me about ANYTHING !  :-(  ]
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7 Oxford,OH