

Hi, Lisa:
Welcome to our group.
 You wrote:
>I am new to the list, as my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a
>year ago at age 73.  I have a question about his behavior.  He has never
>been the most reasonable person around, however lately my mother has
>noticed that he has been acting very unreasonable lately.  For instance,
>one of my cousins, her brother's daughter, died recently and she wanted to
>travel from Ohio to New York to attend the funeral.  My father didn't want
>her to go.  He finally made the comment that she would do anything to get
>out of the house.
>Does Parkinson's affect the mind in this manner?  I live next door to
>them, so he shouldn't fear being left alone.  Any information would be

There is a wealth of information on this subject in the PD Archives,
unfortunately unavailable at the moment. However, if you have a browser, you
can find relevant information by visiting the following internet sites:

As an introduction, I quote from a long article I "saved" to give you some
insight.  If you cannot do research on the internet, please let me know and
I will gladly e-mail you the entire article.

"Depression and Mental Problems. Depression is often present as one of the
first symptoms and is probably partially caused by a chemical imbalance in
the brain. Because depression can be caused by old age and other factors,
it is often not connected by the patient with other early symptoms of
Parkinson's. Defects in thinking, memory, language, and problem solving
skills often occur later on.........

The toxic effects of levodopa with or without carbidopa are, however,
considerable. Nausea and low blood pressure are the most common problems
during the first few weeks, particularly if the initial dose is too high.
The addition of extra supplements of carbidopa reduces this effect
somewhat. Taking the drug with food can alleviate the nausea. However,
proteins interfere with intestinal absorption of levodopa, and some
physicians recommend not eating protein at all until nighttime in order to
avoid this interference. To offset low blood pressure, the patient should
drink lots of fluids and possibly increase salt intake. The drugs can
affect other organs, sometimes producing disturbances of heart rhythm or
gastrointestinal bleeding. Major impacts, however, are psychiatric.
Patients taking levodopa, especially in combination with other drugs, can
experience confusion, extreme emotional states, vivid dreams,
hallucinations, anxiety, and even psychosis. The drug may even unmask
dementia that had not been noticed previously. Because psychiatric side
effects often occur at night, some physicians recommend reducing or
stopping the evening dose. Some studies indicate that the drug clozapine
(Clozaril), normally used in schizophrenia, may help offset the psychiatric
side effects, but it has some dangerous side effects and needs to be used
with caution."
(Document from `Well Connected Consumer Health Reports')


National Parkinson Foundation
1501 NW. 9th Ave.
Bob Hope Road
Miami, FL 33136-1494
(call 800-327-4545) or (call 305-547-6666)

This is a primary resource of information for PD. The staff is very
responsive and sends out an extremely useful package of materials. They
also have a quarterly newsletter, Parkinson Report, which describes recent
research, provides information on new clinical trials, and offers excellent
articles on personal and professional aspects of PD.

Parkinson's Disease Foundation
650 West 168th St.
New York, NY 10032-9982
(call 800-457-6676) or (call 212-923-4700)
Offers good basic information and provides a quarterly newsletter. (ADD TO

Quality of Life Through Balanced Nutrition
Elan Pharma
Two Thurber Blvd
Smithfield, RI 02917

This company provides information and foods with the appropriate
carbohydrate to protein ratio for Parkinson's patients. Provided by Elan
NutraPharma, a division of Elan Corporation. (call 800-4PD-FOOD or

PO Box 471
Western Springs, IL 60558

Offers a catalogue and provides many items that improve the quality of life
for a Parkinson's patient, including aids for eating, exercising, turning
handles and knobs, and accessories for wheelchairs.

Wishing you well,
Margaret Tuchman(54, dx 1980 -- 9x25/100 LS, 5x .25 Permax)


National Parkinson Foundation
1501 NW. 9th Ave.
Bob Hope Road
Miami, FL 33136-1494
(call 800-327-4545) or (call 305-547-6666)

This is a primary resource of information for PD. The staff is very
responsive and sends out an extremely useful package of materials. They
also have a quarterly newsletter, Parkinson Report, which describes recent
research, provides information on new clinical trials, and offers excellent
articles on personal and professional aspects of PD.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Building 31, Room 8A16
31 Center Drive, MSC 2540
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-2540

(call 800-352-9424)
Parkinson's Disease Foundation
650 West 168th St.
New York, NY 10032-9982
(call 800-457-6676) or (call 212-923-4700)

Offers good basic information and provides a quarterly newsletter. (ADD TO

Quality of Life Through Balanced Nutrition
Elan Pharma
Two Thurber Blvd
Smithfield, RI 02917

This company provides information and foods with the appropriate
carbohydrate to protein ratio for Parkinson's patients. Provided by Elan
NutraPharma, a division of Elan Corporation. (call 800-4PD-FOOD or

PO Box 471
Western Springs, IL 60558

Offers a catalogue and provides many items that improve the quality of life
for a Parkinson's patient, including aids for eating, exercising, turning
handles and knobs, and accessories for wheelchairs.
