

                                 RTK.NET Mail 175644   Jul 23 19:47:27 1996

Am I the only who is getting this weird sense of deja vu?

anyway, the answer is that cards from constituents will at least get
read, recorded, and probably answered and even filed.  LAs can usually
tell me how many constituent contacts they have gotten on the Udall bill
in the past 2 years if I ask them to look it up.  I believe Sid Roberts
added that many offices have large files of mail from concerned citizens.

I also want to remind those sending postcards to the "big 5" not to forget
to send them to your own Senators and Congressperson, especially if they
are not already cosponsoring.  Your contact will have a much bigger impact
with them.  As someone who has been lobbying legislators from other states
when I go to D.C. with the PAN contingent, I have met with a number of
receptive LAs who believe their bosses will vote for the bill and would
cosponsor at the request of their constituents but will just set the LAs
memo on our meeting aside from now if they don't get that kind of contact.

In addition, offices such has Kassebaum's have said they are recording
contacts about the Udall bill. and others on related committees probably
do this as well.  Even if the office does very little with non-constituent
mail, a campaign like this where they can't help seeing Mo's face on the
front will certainly have an impact if the volume is high.

It is better to add a personal note in all cases, such as "I (or my loved
one) has PD and the passage of the Udall bill will restore our hope for
a better future", but not if it will keep you from sending more post

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