

Dear SJS--I hope you have just downloaded the new"PD topics by email"
message from John Cottingham. In it you will find the archive info for
2 documents which may be helpful--the Algorithm for Managing PD--#219
and the Constipation Protocol (and correction) #108 &109. If you missed the
post today, ask John Cottingham for it.It also tells how to use the archives.
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Your mother has certainly had a very rough time, and she must be a strong and
determined lady! A question--does your doctor mention the term "megacolon" as a
 possible condition she could have?
My husband uses Propulsid and Lactulose on a daily basis--2 Propulsid tablets
15 min. prior to each meal(also called cisapride).  Lactulose(the generic,with
trade names Duphalac and Chronulac)is a sugar syrup which the pharmacist says
in quantity has a laxative effect, and may be taken any time, not necessarily
before meals. Peter uses 1 Tblspoon 2 or 3 X day. On occasion after several
days of "no results" he has used Senokot tablets on doc's advice,& enemas.
The constipation seems to be cyclical, and may not be a problem for several wee
ks, then flare up again, but has never been an impaction--though that is a
real concern, partly due to the constipating effects of the meds, partly due
to the slow gastric emptying which goes along with PD.
You know, of course, that no 2 people have PD quite the same, and changes must
be checked with your doctor--hope it's a better neuro now!
The Algorithm, from a special edition of_Neurology_ journal, is intended for
doc, but is very complete and you may find it helpful. Sorry to hear you
and your mother have had such a hard time--hope things go better now.
If you're not on CARE list for PD caregivers,you might join us there:
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I'd  be glad to add you to that list.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7,Oxford,OH
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