

RE: Diffuculty Swallowing and Choking on Food
1. You didn't list her meds or dosage.

2. Increasing c/l-dopa (Sinemet) helps our swallowing.
   Swallowing is best in afternoon after most meds are taken.

3. Also we added Cognex (tacrine) for coordination.
   This drug is usually used for Alzheimer's, but
   some PD+ (PSP in our case) may benefit.
   Now, without it swallowing stops.

4. For us, swallowing seems to improve after exercise.
   We often warm-up on a stationary bike before eating.

5. Pureed food is better than no food. A little semantics
   might help -- mashed potatoes with vegetable gravy,..

6. Ice cream-like stuff goes down best here. We make cheap nutritionally
   dense frozen mixes with fruit, powdered Slim Fast, powdered milk,
   sugar and a little jello.  Also fruits and juices pureed with generic
   citrus-flavored Metamucil helps BMs. Throw in a multi-vitamin, too.

7. The CAUTION is that the risk for infection increases as body weight
   decreases. For us, the caution limit is 125# for a 5'2" woman.

 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
 |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
 |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
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