

At 20:23 8/1/96 -0400, you wrote:
>    Dear Rep. Bilirakis and members of the World Parkinson's Disease List:
>For the first time ever, a Congressperson's Legislative Director (Patricia
>DeLoatche of Congressman Bilirakis's office)) hung up on me. I was trying to
>talk about our desperate need to get the Udall Bill (HR 1462) moving from
>the Subcomittee on Health and Environment, which he chairs.
>I have complained about Ms. DeLoatche's behavior to both Congressman Longley
>and Congreessman Baldacci, two co-sponsors of HR 1462.
>  <SNIP>
>   I called her back, and  asked when there would be a better time to talk,
>as she was acting pressed for time.  She said "there will NEVER be a good
>time to call me."
>Then she hung up on me again!!
>   <SNIP>

>                                     Ivan Suzman, Parkinson's sufferer

        To those who wish to respond to Congressman Bilirakis regarding
        the treatment of Ivan by one of the congressman's aides:

        PLEASE use good judgement in the response and be civil!

        While we deplore any such conduct on the part of ANY of
        our civil servants, we haven't seen all the facts in this
        situation and Congressman Bilirakis is a key member of the
        group that we want on our side in the Parkinson's Disease
        fight for passage of the UDALL bill.

        I don't mean to detract from the treatment that Ivan perceives
        he received but I can recall many days when I became over
        zealous in some regard and essentially got the door slammed
        in my face. I might add, justifiably so.

        This is not likely the case here but approach the problem
        with calm and dignity. If you, as an individual, are treated
        like Ivan then you can report your encounter. There is so
        much at stake in this fight against this terrible monster
        called Parkinson's that one encounter shouldn't be allowed
        to destroy all our efforts to this point.

        If we don't present a unified, intelligent and compassionate
        front to the group that has the control then I'm fearful we
        will be perceived as Don Quixote and treated with equivalent

        Question the action of the aide? Certainly!

        Fire a Broadside at will?  Never!


E. Jack Savely CG for Jeannette 57/19+ Topeka, KS
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