


I've haven't been very active on the list over the past year or so but
I've been lurking around and keeping in touch with a few people

A good friend from our Madison Parkinson's support group asked me to
post this for her.  She is a  nurse (retired on disability)in her late
40's who has had PD at least 15 years who is becoming quite disabled.  I
think she is a little intimidated by the computer/e-mail thing but would
very much like to correspond with someone especially with young onset PD
who has had or is going to have a pallidotomy in the near future.  She
is scheduled to have the procedure in Atlanta in the spring.

Anyonwe interested can write to:

Nancy Learner
3788 Camel Hill Rd.
Cross Plains, WI 53528

or E.mail via me.

Thanks alot. I know it will mean alot to Nancy.
