

The Physuical Therapy Department of the University of Maryland [Eastern
Shore Campus, Princess Ann, Maryland] is starting a study of the differences
in perceived physical abilities and physical/occupational therapy needs of
Parkinson's patients in the 'off' and in the 'on' condition. PD patients
will perform certain tasks after being off ldopa and other PD medication for
at least twelve hours, then take medication, wait for the medication to
'kick-in,' and then do the same tasks again. The tasks iclude tthe usual
finger taps,  brushing teeth, dialing a rotary phone, rising from a sitting
position, walking, writing, etc.  The sessions will be videotaped.

Conversation will take place during the sessions. The conversation will be
on tape also. If there is a speech therapist or an aspiring speech therapy
student who could and would use this raw data in the form of recorded voices
on the video tape, let me know.