

Marjorie Moorefield, I guess you can include me in the GUILTY AS CHARGED
category, as I too believe in "grasping at straws."  But I prefer to think of
it as using my own intellect and research capabilities to help me interpret
the mysteries of the mind and body, and the mind-body connection!

Since I see the progression of my symptoms as having gone from RSI (Reptitive
Strain Injuries----to---RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)---to---Parkinson's
Disease, I have encompassed all three dx in my research.  Just last week I
had a conversation with a Pain Clinic devoted to RSD, and the director asked
me how I responded to HYPNOTISM because it part of their therapy  I couldn't
tell him, because I've never tried it.  I would be very interested in knowing
more about your  experience.

Physican Heal Thyself, and find  doc you're comfortable with.  I've had some
lulu's myself.  And to JOYCE:  Thanks for bringing your Spanish country
doctor to us, since it's unlikely we'll be travelling there anytime soon!
Barbara Blake-Krebs (55. dx 12 yrs.)
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