

Friends of the PD list :  Two kind persons have emailed me offlist to
offer collections of posts about Alan which can be sent to the family.
Even if not in time forthe memorial service, I think that would be a
great idea.  May I suggest that they get in touch with each other and
work out who/how to do it on behalf of all of us?  They are:
               Judith Richards <[log in to unmask]>

               Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>

 Perhaps, to simplify things, anyone else who wants to be involved in the
collecting/sending of messages posted here can get in touch with Judith, and
she and Arthur can take it from there?  I personally appreciate their being
willing and able to do this!  Thanks, and let us know how it goes. There
will be some expense for copying/mailing, and others could share in that.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7,Oxford,OH