

We often hear of the physical and emotional toll of Parkinson's.........but
no one, not even our wonderful and selfless caregivers can ever really know
what a rollercoaster ride this disease can be........
This has been such an emotional week.........we've all been touched by
Parkinson's in such profound and powerful ways.......and dealing with it all
is one struggle that's feeling impossibe right now...............
This is only the second letter I've ever written to the list.....but I read
it every day and laugh and cry along with the rest of you.........I have a
birthday coming up on the 14th of this month........I'll be 36 years
old............and I'm scared.........there's a Garth Brooks song that
goes....."Much too young to feel this damn old"............well, that fits me
to a tee these days.............
You've already read about my first letter.......A BUD of mine wrote and told
you about it............My second letter is even  harder for me to
type.........I can't say I'm as shy this time around......I'm certainly doing
more than sharing my medical history here..............
I guess I'm sharing what the PD list has brought to
much................and I'll   always be glad I had the courage to write that
intro that day.......................I only hope I can dig deep enough to
find some more courage...........
Thank you to all of you for being there for me, for allowing me to express
myself........and most of all........for being the place where I met my
BUD..........the greatest gift of all......