

Hello, all,

My father recently had a right side pallidotomy done at the
Neurosciences Institute at the Hospital of the Good Samaritan in Los

I had asked the group almost six months ago about information about
the operation, and was overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of the
replies.  He lives in Hawaii and there are no neurosurgeons there, so
we decided to do a nationwide search  (concentrating on the west
coast, since its closer to him) for someplace with good patient
references and a good reputation.  With all the information we
gathered from the responses, we finally settled on Good Sam, and boy,
what a good experience it was for him.  The surgical team used
"radiofrequency/stereotactic neurosurgery," and accuracy of the lesion
was paramount, so we were confident going in that he would be treated
as well as could be.

I'd like to reserve a particular note of thanks to Alan Bonander who
mailed out to us his really exhaustive packet about pallidotomy; it
serves as my "encyclopedia" and I have reporduced it for a number of
people in Hawaii who are considering the operation.

Dad is doing well, and is improving day by day, enough where I was
able to return to California (where I live) for a while.  If anyone is
interested in the details of his operation, I'll be glad to fill you

Once again, thank you all,

